Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Learning To Set Up The Shop, and Remembering Kenya!

So, its been a week and one day and I am trying to set up the Etsy Shop.  Please be patient with me as I am an OJT (On The Job Training) kind of gal. 

The past few weeks have been exciting, while I try and figure the whole buisness thing out.  Thinking about packaging and postage as well as many other details. 

May God grant me wisdom and knowledge as I learn to opperate on the Web.

On Monday, one of my Spiritual Mom's left for Kenya and the past few days I have been reminded of many wonderful moments being there in Kenya myself.  One day stands out in my mind most of all:  The day my sister-in-Christ (Happy) was leaving to her home in Tanzania.  I had only met her two weeks prior and I can tell you that meeting her was such a gift.  On that day she was leaving to head back home (a two day or so trip by bus); I was so sad and just crying, and crying.  My heart was breaking, just thinking that you don't know what tomorrow will bring.  God gives us blessings/gifts for a reason, season, or a life-time!  This may not sound like a wonderful moment, but it was.  There are so many more, especially with the children of GS (Gentle Shephard).  Watching the children pray, sing, and dance.  What a blessed life God has given each of us here on this earth.  Hold on to each day as it will be your last, cause we do not know what tomorrow will bring.

Here are just a few of the children at GS with me.

This is my brother"Ezekiel" and his wife to be"Happy"my sister in Christ!

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